I was in meditation one afternoon, and I heard a voice say to me, Send her to
Sedona. If you have never heard of Sedona, AZ, it’s like the carnival of spirituality. Everything you can think of is there, and all types of healers.
I didn’t know what she would find, but I knew that start of the journey back for her was there.
So I told her to pack a bag and start driving out to Sedona. We were living in Carlsbad, CA and its about an 8 hour drive. It was late in the afternoon and by the time she would be arriving in Sedona, it would be really late. No matter, she packed and left.
I got on the web and found her an Airbnb to stay at for a week.
Fast forward a few days, and Michelle found herself relaxing, meditating, eating healthy foods, drinking lot’s of water, feeding her soul in any way she could.
On the 3rd day of her journey, Michelle bumps into a friend of hers in a food store. She hadn’t seen her friend in nearly 10 years and they spent some time together catching up.
One thing led to another and she invited Michelle to a meeting her friend was putting together that Friday night. She accepted and attended.
During the evening, someone brought out a Quantum Physics Healing Device. I won’t tell you the name yet, I want you to follow the trail with me here first.
So Michelle was offered some time on the machine and she ends up calling me 30 minutes later. She was practically in tears. She told me she had not been able to feel this good in months, and something with this machine has really made a difference.
She ended up booking a couple of more sessions with the device and began to see immediate results in her mood, energy, clarity, focus, and most important, PEACE.
When she arrived home and told me all the details I immediately began to do some research and wanted to meet the person who actually invented it all.